for the LGBTQIA* community

Togehter with Paul Auls & me

"I would believe only in a God that knows how to dance".



Trance Dance is one of the oldest methods of coming back into movement with our own life force!


Many of us know the power of a dark, buzzing techno club. Loud, rhythmic music. Bodies moving freely in communion. A feeling of timelessness and ecstasy. Yet, many of us also know the down sides of those spaces.


In queer trance dance we can still get high - but on our own supply, - and our own pace! Our bodies can freely express from inside out, and we can truly move like no one is watching - because nobody is!


From the earliest moments of known human history, trance dance accompanied ancient rituals, spiritual gatherings and social events. 


We’ll be using rhythmic sounds, live drumming and percussions in combination with intense breathing and the body’s natural impulses for movement.


As space holders we accompany the journey with smudging and energy work.


When the body starts to dance without being controlled by our everyday life consciousness, the soul / life force / sub conscious / your inner unicorn (call it what you like!) starts to take over.


Through blind-folds and a safe container, our senses are heightened and expand beyond the perceivable.



As modern humans, we have lost our traditions of daily dancing, voicing and stomping in community.


Spaces in which we can freely experience & express our bodies, hearts and minds are especially important to a queer spirit.


How can we feel our body as a self-owned and self-evident queer vibrating shelter?


To come together in a safe room of shared expressions, questions and longings is the core of *Queer Wild Ones* Trance Dance.



  • liberating for body, mind & spirit
  • unleash hidden and suppressed parts of your queerness.
  • re-align us with our wild queer core, - as loud or soft that may be.
  • experience a deeper sense of identity and connectedness.
  • encounter a different sense of community.
  • get high on your own supply!



Let's be real. Most people do not dance "like nobody is watching". We dance from ideas, patterns, from what is perceived as attractive or safe. And there are good reasons for it.


But: how would it feel if there is truly nobody watching? How would you move if you are not busy with dancing but being danced? What will happen when you get in touch with the power of expanding consciousness through your body, - and watch where it takes you?



  • wear or bring light clothes
  • feel free to bring your own favorite blindfold, but we will also have enough for everyone
  • bring your own water bottle
  • if you like, bring a little snack to share for our landing picnic afterwards



most likely in November 2024



Belziger Str. 7

10823 Berlin Schöneberg


Entrance opens at 19:15 h

Beginn is at 19.30 h

After we start it is not possible to enter anymore!



15-40€ sliding scale


15-20€ low income 

20-30€ middle income 

30-40€ supporter ticket


Choose the contribution of your choice, you can change the ammount before ordering your ticket!

No one will be turned away for the lack of funding.

Please get in touch with us and we´ll find a solution!


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